How EYS Will Work

So by now we’ve gained your attention, and we’ve told you how to become a writer or an editor.  So what’s next?   Do you just want to be one of our awesome readers?  No problem… here’s what to expect:

Eat Your Serial is a simple concept.  We’re here to promote authors who need a little help in getting noticed and hopefully published someday.  We’re also here to give someone who is looking to waste a little bit of time in their day by reading a story on line.   You can’t read a book during work hours or the boss will can you, and you can’t read your Kindle or iPad at work for the same reason, but you sure can read everything on the internet. And who wants to carry something like a book or an e-reader around anyway?

Ok, Ok, maybe you’re one of those model employees who do work while they’re at work (how do you do it?!) and maybe this will be the stress relief at the end of your busy day. Just hop online and read a quick chapter on a new addition to a book each week.  EYS will practically hand you a perfect, organized reading schedule.  When life gets busy and you miss a few posts throughout the course of the serial, don’t worry, you’ll have a chance to read it in its entirety at the end and even buy the book!

Each day we will feature an author and their story, and it will be updated each week on the same day. In the beginning most of our works will be fiction stories of any genre, but in the future expect work of non-fiction, potentially graphic novels, and other forms of the written story.

The stories will vary in length, so you’ll be able to poke around the website for other things to read as well.  We are always looking for writers, editors, and active readers who will leave lots of comments and feedback for us and the stories!

Be on the lookout for this whole thing to start pretty soon… 😉
